
There are 2 versions of this glossary term.
2. Order

Orders in RAMCO AMS are those items for which you would like to receive payment, but your member may not have yet agreed to the charges. Typical examples of Orders are Dues- your association wishes for each of its Members to renew, but it is not required. There are no GL Account Entries or Batch Items created for Orders. You should think of an Order as a place holder so that automated processes through the portal and CRM can quickly and easily accept payments. An order can be for an actual physical product such as a sign rider, or it can be an event, class, fee or any other product or service for which the association or MLS collects revenue.

In terms of the status and life cycle of an Order, it depends on the scenario: 

Order Paid

  1. An Order is created with a Status of Active and Status Reason of New.
  2. Once the Order is paid the Status changes to Fulfilled and the Status Reason to Complete. At this stage there will be an Invoice attached to the Order. 

Payment Refunded or Canceled

  1. If a Payment is refunded or canceled, the originating Order will be reactivated. 
  2. The Order Status will change from Fulfilled to Active, and the Status Reason will change from Complete to New. 
  3. The Order is now ready to have a different Payment applied to it, or it can be canceled. 

Order Canceled

  1. If payment is no longer needed on an Order, the Order can be canceled.
  2. When canceled, the Status of an Order will change to Canceled, and the Status Reason will change to either Canceled or Canceled by Customer, depending on the reason for the cancelation. 

Revised By: Mike Cutlip Revised On: Oct 28, 2015 9:31 AM
Characters Edited: 2676 Total: 3658
1. Order
Orders in RAMCO AMS are those items for which you would like to receive payment, but your member may not have yet agreed to the charges. Typical examples of Orders are Dues- your association wishes for each of its Members to renew, but it is not required. There are no GL Account Entries or Batch Items created for Orders. You should think of an Order as a place holder so that automated processes through the portal and CRM can quickly and easily accept payments. An order can be for an actual physical product such as a sign rider, or it can be an event, class, fee or any other product or service for which the association or MLS collects revenue.
Revised By: Mike Cutlip Revised On: May 6, 2012 7:57 PM
Characters Edited: 0 Total: 982